Google has already partnered with CBSE to train 1 million teachers by end of this year. Google for Education always bring something innovative in products which helps students to learn. Google lens gets new ‘Education Mode’ support, this will help students to solve maths equations.
In an official blog post, Google claimed that this will helps students to better learn STEM( Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). To get solutions to a problem students to search over the internet. Now, the visual results will help students understand better. With AR, Google has developed 3D content. Students can get over 100 plus 3D content on search.
According to blog post, “Visualizing STEM concepts can be hard without labs or hands-on learning tools. Now, students can see 3D content on Search for nearly 100 STEM concepts across biology, chemistry and more using compatible Android and iOS devices. If students search for “Quantum mechanical model,” they can view a 3D atom up close and use augmented reality (AR) to bring it into their space”.
This Google lens feature concept is the same as Socratic which is acquired by Google in 2018. The Socratic helps students to learn better by providing visual content of STEM. Google has also had a speech recognition app ‘Read-Along‘ that helps to develop skills in children.
To get result of any maths equation, you have to simply use Google Lens to scan it. After scanning you will get the instant results. With the Google lens last updated feature, you can simply copy the text from real-time notes. Google lens works on sync on desktop and mobile version. To get sync data with Google lens you must have sign in same accounts on devices.