Popular indian payments platform Paytm has debut its own Mini App store. The store features web applications, mini paytm apps and integrating using HTML, and JavaScript. The rumored was all around about the developement of an atamnirbhar Indian app store after the Paytm App was removed from the Play store.
Paytm mini app store is all about Paytm mini apps build on Js APIs. This will helps to maintain the codebase of applications. You can access the mini apps directly from the Paytm App. The Platform claims to have already more than 300 firms have signed up Paytm mini app. There are already some popular apps available on Mini app store like Ola Cabs, Domino’s Pizza, Spencer, Cure fit and Netmeds.
Paytm explains, “Paytm Mini Apps are essentially web applications opened in Paytm App whose functionality is enhanced via inbuilt JS APIs, effectively meaning your app despite being developed as a web app (and not a native app) can still enjoy all the benefits of a native app when being listed as a Mini Apps inside Paytm App”.

The company brings no commision on payments via Paytm Wallet, Paytm Payments Bank, UPI, debit card and Rupay card. Only payments with Credit card and Debit card (Visa, Master card) includes commision rate of 2%+GST.
“I am proud that we are today launching something that creates an opportunity for every Indian app developer. Paytm Mini App Store empowers our young Indian developers to leverage our reach and payments to build new innovative services,” said Paytm CEO and founder Vijay Shekhar Sharma.