Yes, you heard it right Google Announces TikTok rival App Tangi. App Tangi is a Google’s Area 120 lab, experiment and a short-form video guides and how to clips. Google says Tangi’s comes from “the words TeAch aNd Give and ‘tangible’-things you can make.”
Apps like Youtube are already being popular among users for searching ‘How To’ videos. App Tangi came up with short DIY videos that help people to learn things every day. Tangi offers categories like art, DIY, Cooking, Fashion, and beauty. The videos on the app are vertically oriented on your phone.
Tangi App has 60-second videos, with like button and comment section and a share button too. For video creators, it also offers filters and effects to add on videos. Tangi App is live on the web and available on the Apple store. It’s not released for android users yet. It’s great to see if TikTok Rival App Tangi by Google, compete with rivals.

You can also share videos of the re-creation of things on Tangi’s and connect to the community. Well, the App Tangi not offers the Upload section for everyone yet. Google Blog shares a form link to join the waitlist as a creator of App Tangi.