WhatsApp is the most used instant messaging app to over 150 crore customers worldwide. The Facebook-owned app is currently free from ads, but the reports are saying it will not be the same. WhatsApp may show you targeted ads, however, the company has decided to stop adding ads fearing user outrage.
Reports say, “Zuckerberg suspended the push to introduce ads to the messaging app partly because Facebook wanted to avoid antagonizing regulators, according to people familiar with the matter. Facebook also fears to angering WhatsApp users who valued the app’s emphasis on privacy and who resisted the idea of having their accounts tied to Facebook.”
Facebook considers ads in WhatsApp stories are a long-term opportunity and help people to discover business. The company is working on providing the payment solution and connectivity to all the apps. Once this is done, Facebook may use the data to serve targeted ads in WhatsApp.
Facebook Spokesperson told TechRadar, “As we’ve said before, ads in Status remains a long-term opportunity for WhatsApp, and we believe it will be a great way for people to discover a business that is important to them in the future. That hasn’t changed. But right now our focus is on building new features to help businesses connect with their customers and providing payments in a number of countries.”
The company is using your phone numbers to match to all social accounts and create a set of particular data. Targeted ads in WhatsApp will not be pushed soon but maybe at the end of the year. We will love to know, what are the various platforms you can switch over to WhatsApp if ads are pushed. Comment down below.