Galaxy S20 plus leaked online before launch. The leaked image of Galaxy S20 Plus shows a Quad camera setup. This setup rumored to contain a Regular wide lens, an Ultra-wide, portrait lens and a macro lens with a fourth new option. It also has a paper sticker which has written text on it. The text clearly says “No Photo Allowed”, “Not for Sale” and “Do not leak info”. XDA Developer firstly published the leaked shots of Galaxy S20 Plus
The front Image shows the puch hole display similar to the Samsung Galaxy Note 10.Also the startup screen shows the text Galaxy S20+ 5G .The screen comes with infinity -O display with tiny almost symmetrical beezels. The XDA Developers says that the front camera of Galaxy S20 Plus is smaller, also phone in hand is not light.
This flagship is expected to be seen on February 11 Samsung Unpacking event. Previous rumors about Galaxy S20, it will available in five versions. The Online leaked Galaxy S20 Plus and Galaxy S20 will expect to come in 4G and 5G.