The Indian Railways has reported that 85% of tickets are booked online. The booking of tickets can be easily done by IRCTC App. The Indian Railway also launches UTS App for paperless travel. Now, Railways is testing the contactless travel by adding a QR Code to tickets.
VK Yadav, Indian Railway Board Chairman said that QR Code will available to online tickets as well as on counter tickets. This type of ticketing system already works on the Airports CheckIns. Railway has established geo-portal and developed apps for fixing issues related to tracks, signals, and electrical assets.
Here is how the Contactless Ticket System will Work
When you buy a ticket from the window, you will get a link to QR Code in a text message to the registred contact number. This QR Code can be used by TTE to verify the ticket. This QR code helps railways to update the database on the go. The thermal screening and QR Code are scanned by the app when you enter the station.
The TTE also gets information about the number of reserved, vacant and unreserved in each coach. The railways official also said that IRCTC website will be redesigned and personalised for easy tickets and meal bookings.
The Indian Railways contactless ticket system is introduced at Prayagraj Junction of NCR. For improving the analytics and communication about real-time arrival departure of trains, Railways is working with ISRO. This will brings real-time location and speed of trains using satellite. Share your thoughts on How QR Code on tickets by Indian Railway will change journey experience.