Telegram Messenger the instant messaging app has a big number of Indian users. It’s an open-source messaging app with a bunch of amazing features. Indian Government launched verified Telegram Channel to deal with fake news spread about Coronavirus. WhatsApp also works on to prevent misinformation about COVID-19. Health Ministry also launched a dedicated to keep live updates all the COVID-19 cases.
A large number of users can join a verified channel of Telegram at a single time. There are verified channels of countries like Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Spain, and Ukraine. Channels show the daily truly updates about the global pandemic. WhatsApp with the Indian Government also launches dedicated chatbots to get true information about coronavirus.
The company added “highly important to distinguish authenticated trustworthy sources from the pro-actively generated fake Channels”; about fake news dealing. Telegram also initiates the verification process for the channels using @verifybot. You have already installed Telegram App, then you will be notified about the official channel.
The Indian Government also launched the Aarogya Setu app which helps you in self-Quarantine. For more information, you can directly join MyGov Corona News Desk on Telegram messenger.