Youtube rolls out Detailed Explore tab in Android/iOS App

Youtube has done a lot of changes this year, from changing old Desktop UI to the new Explore tab. The testing of the explore tab in Youtube is going on from last year on the Android and iOS apps. Youtube has earlier made this announcement on the support page.

Now from the latest update of Youtube App you will see a Explore tab instead of Trending tab. Trending App is used to show the trending creator videos from 24 hours in your region. Trending tab in Youtube app shows the trending videos from all the categories as Music, Gaming, News and Beauty-Fashion.

Youtube Explore Tab

The new detailed tab in Youtube App combines the trending section with News, Music, Gaming, Movies, Fashion and beauty categories. In the upcoming time, Google will also add more sections to the explore tab. As you scroll the explore tab, you will find the ‘Artist on the Rise’ before trending videos. This will make easier to connect with the creator and community.

You can still see the trending videos by clicking on Trending in Explore tab. The section will continue showing the trending videos from all the categories as previously. The Youtube explore tab is currently being rolled out to Android and iOS. If you do not see this in Youtube App, please update your App or wait for some weeks.

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